Yard Sale!!!

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Interesting that so few of you commented on the Nude Yoga/Yoda posts.

Anyhoo... Scary Squirrel Man and I are having a yardsale tomorrow. If you are going to be out and about for the Terrace Block Sale (which is the grand-daddy of block sales in this town - going on 50 years - a cultural event in itself)... come up 2 streets to 416 E. Brown. A yard sale with tons of movies (Video &DVD)

5 Responses to “Yard Sale!!!”

  1. Blogger Lelly 

    I guess the nude yoga/yoda posts were just...too...weird lecram, although I did follow the link to Distressed Jeans blog which is very, very funny. Whats a yard sale/terrace block sale?? Oh...and in the UK cilantro is coriander, we call the leafy herb and the seeds/ground spice the same thing

  2. Blogger lecram sinun 

    Hah! Thats funny that you thought it was weird. So, now you have a little more insight into your cousin, huh? (Just wait till you read some of my plays.)

    A yard-sale would be called a rummage sale in your neck of the woods. Basically you set out your junk for others to buy. One person's junk is another person's treasure.

    Terrace is a street here in the hood that has been doing a block sale (all the houses on the street for 5 blocks have a collective yard-sale) for about 50 years.... usually the last Saturday of May. Someone was even selling a 30 foot boat this year!

  3. Blogger Lelly 

    Ahhhh. Jumble sales, or more commonly now car-boot sales are the popular thing here, which sounds similar, but people don't run them from their own homes, they take their stuff to pre-arranged sites and pay for a pitch. I guess us Brits are too uptight about strangers coming into their homes to have a yard sale, especially as many terraces -which here means rows of houses literally built one next to another, with no side access between - don't have front gardens(including the one we live in) so you would have to go thru the house to get to the back yard. Also it is pretty common for city homes to have really tiny gardens/yards (if any) commonly only 25ft x 25 ft.
    Don't really think your yoga/yoda posts are that weird...I do live in Brighton after all!...guess the pics spoke for themselves and no comment was needed, eh! :-)

  4. Blogger lecram sinun 

    Lelly, car-boot sales at pre-arranged sites... over here they are called "swap meets". Same difference I guess. :)

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi there blog owner! I am searching blogs to find information and sources to help with my website:http://all4yournet.com/hearthealthyoga/ My site is fairly new about 8 months old and have a google pr of 3 and get about 50 people a day to visit. My site has yoga womens clothing and is all affiliate merchandise.
    I have been in MLM companys for the past 8 years offline mainly and have never made a dime. This is a new frontier for my wife and I and don't have very much experience but a friend suggested searching blogs to get ideas about how people sale and also what kind of information they offer their customers and clients. We are begining to make some good money selling yoga womens clothing related articles but I also want to offer my customers some quality information to go along with good deals. If you make it to my site and can offer some constructive critisizm I will take it into consideration or if you have some ideas it will be greatly appreciated. Remember we are on a budget and we do all the work ourselves.

    Thank you for your time.
    Prosperous Regards,
    yoga womens clothing

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