tempting the fates for ice coffee

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Yep, I am going down to the coffeeshop with the truck. (Yet another sign of my pending insanity.) If I had a bicycle (hint, hint)... I wouldn't have to use the truck. But alas... I have no bicycle (hint, hint)... yet.

Oh, it's 6:29 AM and it's already 90 degrees. The air does not carry the odor of death and decay... like it will when the heat hits later in the day. I actually heard someone say yesterday, "If I died today... I would have to ask the devil for a blanket." Yet another day to accomplish things early and hole up in the cool darkness of my office.

O.K. i just clicked the song I embeded on this post... and it's really improved my attitude. Now I will easy samba myself to the bathroom then head for some ice-coffee. "Sonho Meu... Sonho Meu..."

more later...
EDIT: 12:37 - LATER
Got back from the coffeeshop, made bacon & eggs for Mum, cut up the watermelon for the fridge, had a fruit cocktail for brunch and am now holed up in the cool of the office.

Just for fun I watched a program on PBSHD on "string theory". Yeah... woo hoo... exciting stuff. I love how these programs put things on a pedestrian level so that most luddites (like me) can feel that they actually grasp the concept... and in so doing feel intellegent. Yeah, my esteem level now is at an all time high because I now feel like an uber-brainac. Sure... just around the corner will arise a situation when that esteem bubble will pop just as soon as some practical everyday thing will stump me. But for now... I'm a brainac. (To help keep this going... please don't ask me to explain string theory to you anytime soon, OK? Just keep enabling my delusion for the moment.) It's enough that right now... I understand it... I think.
Plan for the afternoon... hmmmm. Perhaps I'll watch more PBS and get to believe that I am the reincarnation of Einstein... or watch a movie... or do as little as possible. Any and all of that could happen.

There very well could be an update later. Don't wait up though.

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