the show I'm actually performing in...
Published Wednesday, December 20, 2006 by lecram sinun | E-mail this post
... the 2007 Rogue is titled "Suicide Lounge". Yes, it's sick and wrong... but will be so much fun to do. How? For instance... (not that this is on our set list) but, not only is that beloved standard "Night and Day" a song that celebrates what we would term as STALKING today... but I've heard it told (not saying this is true but... ) that this ditty was originally written by Cole Porter who was pining for a 13 year old Moroccan boy at the time. Just the thought of that colors the song differently, doesn't it?
We however are chosing to pick the most depressing songs ever written. BTW... this is the graphic we are using for the show. If you click the graphic it will take you to the blog site I'm currently developing for it.
I spent most of the day setting up and "harvesting"... "friends" for the new MySpace site as another marketing resource for Theatre J'Nerique. So, if you have one of those and want to get bulletins on the company and the upcoming show...
HERE IS THE LINK! Go ahead and "friend" us... and tell a friend to do the same.
I am so tired and google-eyed right now... I think I'll hit the sack. Have a nice day after hump day!
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