Sitting here watching...

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... the kids testing is so damn uninspiring. Half of them have already given up and are staring blankly at the whiteboard. One has his head pressed hard to the desk, mouth agape with the infant stages of a drool pool forming on the desk. Another is staring hard at the back of the chair infront of her... as if willing it to shatter and cause the person sitting in it to fall flat on their butt.

For the last 2 days we all had an early release to look forward to. Today we go back to the regular schedule once testing is over.

Oh... does anyone need to E-mail the Pope?

5 Responses to “Sitting here watching...”

  1. Blogger airplanejayne this what I have to look forward to next week (when we test)? Any suggestions? Sugar? Caffeine? Sick days? Please!?!?!?!?

  2. Blogger jade ed girl 

    Maybe our jobs aren't so different. Sounds a bit like the pups and kits in their kennels waiting for surgery.

  3. Blogger lecram sinun 

    A laptop with a WiFi connection so you can blog while the little darlings widdle away their futures.

  4. Blogger vertebrate 

    Just flashed on schooldays. Teacher would say "sleep", so I'd rest my head on the desk and wake up with a red mark on my forehead, wiping off a trail from the corner of my mouth. Nostalgia.

  5. Blogger Lelly 

    Hi Lecram
    have a link to you on my blog site (I'm sooo clever!) Have also hooked and reeled in another chum(mince pie) to the joys of blogging, and linked him too!
    Over here we have lots of TV progs re right food = improved concentration. One hard-faced crone called Gillian McKeith swears by this stuff called 'Quinona'...bit like porridge with little legs attached (yum!)You could try suggesting that your charges replace their Weetos (Wheet ohs?) with that??? Or maybe not! Personally my biggest concentration breaker is this darn thing called BLOGGING...damn you! :-)

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