6 AM - Leave your 5 word sentence starter in the comments and I'll attempt to use them in the next section of the story.
If you haven't been by since the AM yesterday... I added to "untitled 5-3-1 b"... check it out 2 posts down.
Come back in the AM tomorrow to see how it developed. Thanks fort your input. Cheers!
If you are new to my latest insanity... go to
this post.EDIT: I just got back from the laundromat to find that my jungle webs thing got cancelled. Made a call and they found the screwup and have since reinstated it but it will be a couple of hours before it will be fully up.
So Solitaire is giving up blogging. Not sure why but I'll support her decision. Now go over to
her place and wish her well.
The day is turning out busier than I thought it would... but I'll still attempt a section of the 5-3-1 project for uploading tomorrow.
This also means that HNT this evening is going to be iffy at best... I'll know a little later.
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