5 Weird Habits

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Tish tagged me for this one.
  1. I cannot start writing until I have won 3 straight hands of Freecell in a row. People who have seen me do this think it's an avoidance issue... I find the game helps me organize my thoughts. I also cannot write without some "white noise" in the background, music, tv, etc.
  2. If someone comes up to me and tells me they are pregnant I will tell them what sex the baby will be. My record for these predictions is 98% correct. Now if I could only do that with lotto numbers...
  3. If there is something I really want I will spend days talking myself out of it. Once I have convinced myself that a.) it's a waste of money b.) my life is better without it ... I will buy it anyway just because the price was good. And yes... I do have an uncanny nose for bargains.
  4. If I visit someone... I like checking out their fridge and what's in it.
  5. I will let things pile up to the point of the ridiculous before I decide to deal with them... just for a greater sense of accomplishment when it's finally dealt with.
I'm not tagging anyone.... but if you want to play... go for it!


I'll post my HNT tomorrow and it'll be my last extravaganza for 2005. It also may be the last one for the year for me. Graphic work and other pre-production duties for the Rogue beckons and my "Christmas Vacation" is pretty much shot because of it. I'm not whining... this has been a fact of life for the last 3 years.

FRIENDS WHO HAVE STARTED NEW BLOGS include ... DRAGION and WHACKMAN (lelly... the latter is a mutual friend of ours!) Visit them and show them the love!

more later... perhaps...

6 Responses to “5 Weird Habits”

  1. Blogger Sasha 

    i share your weird habit #5. i tend to procrastinate out of habit... and congratulate myself for accomplishing them in the end with so little time left. weird ho? :)

  2. Blogger lime 

    fun post! and hey i showed ya my half nekkid fridge last week, so how about that? hehehehe

  3. Blogger KFarmer 

    if you do pin down the lotto thing (remember a poor girl in Ga :) I could use some numbers myself- and I wont tell a soul!

  4. Blogger airplanejayne 

    currently in my fridge:
    -an old chicken that I'm afraid to eat.
    -chocolate soymilk.
    -homemade pomegranate jelly (made by neighbor, not me!)
    -soycrunch bread
    -diet vanilla pepsi
    -2 bottles of pale ale
    -1 very nice bottle of champagne
    -old potatoes. I think they were supposed to go with the old chicken...

  5. Blogger Me 

    LOL...I am the same way...I will try to talk myself out of the things I really want...to the point of exhaustion, so I don't have the energy to do it.

  6. Blogger .- 

    havent even gotten to hnt yet - this just sucked me in - awesome

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