Sitting in the office...
Published Wednesday, April 27, 2005 by lecram sinun | E-mail this post
... wondering where the time has gone. The past few days have been busy. Not busy with those "mportant"things... but busy with just keeping "it" all together.
Thats what its all about, isn't it? Keeping it all together. Sometimes I wonder what exactly it is we are trying to keep together. An ideal? A plan? A vision? A dream? The practical humdrum of everyday life?
I keep together what I'm programmed to think is reality. The 'thing' I'm learning to change is my thoughts, through action, not to repeat the same things and expect a different result. Reality is a reflection of thoughts, a thought is a thought, and a thought can be changed.
I always thought it was about administrating our own insanity to work more or less seemlessly with others.
Other people's insanity, that is.
Who is 'trashed'???
Loved the 'I was watching...' piece have left a long and badly-spelt response!
Hey lelly, that's not the first time that question's been asked. Ya, who is trashed???? Go on, own up..... ;-)
I suspect "trashed" is our friend in SD ... you know... that VI boy.
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I oso from Seremban wan, not South Dakota or izzit Segambut Dalam ?
Sunboi, Adams Ave Fest is where you should be.
I'm working on it.......seems they only want locals.....!