Trippin it out!

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Well, the MJ verdict is in. That's all I have to say about that.

For you regulars (and not so regular) on this blog... I've added some features. They include a clock, a guest map, a hit counter, a theatre news feed and a button to my webcam page.

I leave tomorrow for an over-nighter in SF. Taking a friend to the airport who is flying off to London for a week. Kein, check your email... something is on its way to you and your virgin email account bounced as your quota has been exceeded. I'll resend the email later tonight.

6 Responses to “Trippin it out!”

  1. Blogger airplanejayne 

    wouldn't ya' know - the virgin bounced...because her quota had been exceeded....

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey lecram, please send e mails to my address as my virgin is no longer one. Ta.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey, cool clock!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Bouncing virgin......hmmmmm.......

  5. Blogger airplanejayne 

    I'm not sure, but that's gotta be either an oxymoron or some form of exoticerotica.....

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Ok, this is a "joke" that Tristian told us over the mic in between acts.

    "Michael Jackson would have been convicted immediately if he had been black"

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