flotsum and jetsam bobbing in the sewer of my mind

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EDIT: 5:06 PM
Sorry, no HNT this week... just this dribble.

That could be a line from a song... but is actually the usual state of my mind. Here is a sample of random crap bobbing around my swilly brain.
  • I have been hitting the sack early the past couple of nights for no apparent reason. It does not bother me except for the fact that I have 1001 things to accomplish.
  • One of the plays I am working on (Ms.White) needs a jump-start in order for it to be finished. My fear is running out of steam in the "wanting to" department and having to resort to "having to"... which would totally suck.
  • Many of my friends are "at war" with something or another... but won't lift a finger to actually do something about it... whatever "it" is.
  • Bitching bores me.
  • I have recently noticed how many "creative people" hold on to limited visions in the "art of the possible.".
  • Most people who demand "the truth" have the biggest challenge being honest with themselves and others.
That's all for now.
Happy Uninteresting Post Wednesday!
If you are in the mood for some slight entertainment... here is a post from the past.

13 Responses to “flotsum and jetsam bobbing in the sewer of my mind”

  1. Blogger Debi 

    Wow, I loved this line: Most people who demand "the truth" have the biggest challenge being honest with themselves and others. So true ... Your halloween pics are awesome btw! Damn that looks like a good time lol. Happy HNT LS and thnx for adding me :)

  2. Blogger KFarmer 

    ahhh what a Wednesday this must be for you... surely tomorrow will be a brighter day :)

  3. Blogger The Diva ♥ 

    hmmmmmmmmm that covers just about everything that has been on my mind today even the play i was wondering how it was going for u!
    why r u in my head are u trapped in there. get out! get out i tell you!:)

  4. Blogger S 

    Sometimes you just need to sleep!
    Will we be getting an HNT treat from you again this week?

  5. Blogger lime 

    interesting picture. more interesting thoughts. would jumper cables help with Mrs white? happy HNT even though you are not participating this week!

  6. Blogger Lee Ann 

    Happy HNT!

  7. Blogger Mara 

    You're a doll anyway! and that's a great picture. Happy HNT

  8. Blogger aughra 

    Hey, I thought it was interesting.

  9. Blogger Unknown 

    when honesty is the best policy...why do we struggle with it so?
    the shoreline is as good a HNT pic as I've seen today~

  10. Blogger ... 

    want to see the death of artistic vision - go to art school =(

  11. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Thanks :) But I'm Christian, so I don't celebrate Hari Raya :)

  12. Blogger The Funky Bee 

    I have been going to bed super early all this week too! Must be something in the air, or daylight savings time and I too have been beating myself up b/c I have a TON of things to get done for a show (craft-ish show) on Nov 19th but I can't motivate to do it! All I want to do it sleep...

  13. Blogger Maverick 

    Happy Uninteresting Post Wednesday!

    that's funny!

    Spitting in a Wishing Well

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