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... and there's no turning back now. I was scared... really I was. I hoo and hummed for most of the day. The song for the "write-track" today is actually a pretty apt representation of the whimsical but tortured state I was slowly twirling in. (If you listen to the words... you'll know of what I speak of.)

But at about 3 PM I went for it. The play took the jump and me with it into the dark velvety abyss of no return. I decided the time for foreplay was done and it was the point to get down to the nasty. It was fast, it was furious... it was glorious! Don't worry... there's more to come. I'm counting on the next few days to be like riding atop a runaway train.

From the standpoint of the creative process... this is when the real everyday world becomes a blurry fuzz... a surreal mumbo jumbo of "have to's" and "must do's". This is the part that is both scary and exciting all at the same time... and also the primary reason why normally sane people throw caution and stability to the wind and commit to a lifetime of poverty, cheap wine and no hope of a pension to comfort their later days.

One would think that being provided with the "vision" yesterday (as it were) would have sent me into a write frenzy. What I did not tell you was that this epiphany came in a tight furball of twine that had to be untangled. Nothing neat about it...but it was all there. A lot of "If this happens here then that has to happen there but that can't happen until this occurs however this will not make sense until that is played out first." See the conundrum here? Anyway, after unraveling some of the ball I went for the gusto figuring that the rest of it would unfurl in the process. So far it has.

If I did not have to be somewhere at 6... I would have gone deep into the night. Though I'm glad I stopped when I did. If you're keeping score (as if)... I think I'm just about at the half way mark. As far as I'm concerned... it's still all shite... and will probably remain so until the end. But it's my shite, dammit!

So, this brings me to the fact that I'm being a bad blogger right now... or at least bad at visiting most of you. Count on this trend continuing until this project is done. My apologies up front. I've tried to visit at least those of you who have commented. And with Morty kinda taking over... especially with these posts... I won't be surprised by a marked decrease of visits and/or comments. LOL! He can be a pretty vile creature, huh?

The selection for the WRITE-TRACK for today can be found HERE. (Hint: If you right-click and "save target/link as..." you'll be able to download it to your computer.)

A BONUS... and it's educational too!
Male Restroom Etiquette

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