Black Friday and I'm not biting!

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Yeah, there are sales galore but I refuse to participate in the madness. The reason being that I already have a nose for deals year round.

Thanksgiving yesterday was pretty "kick-back" and fun. I did a little food (snackies) shopping and SSM turned up with the birds at 11:30 AM. After prep we put the chickens in the barbecue and played probably the longest game of carrom ever until the birds were roasted to perfection. (Used a soy, garlic, seseme oil marinade... which turned out great!) The fact that we were drinking wine while playing probably contributed to the length of the game - also we were playing with a tournament board. (We actually had to pick the game up right after lunch just so we could finish it.) It was fun nevertheless... even if SSM did win. Then it was movie time (projected on a screen in the living-room) which lasted most of the afternoon. So, all in all it was a fun time with great food and lots of gratitude to go around.

Today I've decided to get a little writing done. Installed some new devices on SSM's computer and I'm home now. Thereminman's father passed suddenly and there is a rockabilly wake planned later this evening. Probably going to turn up for that before checking out the old watering-hole to see who breezed into town for the holiday weekend. So, it's on to writing now!

7 Responses to “Black Friday and I'm not biting!”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    i totally bit. :-( ...but I got some converse low-tops and an assload of clothes. i'm a sucker for sales. useless consumer = me. happy holidays dearie!

  2. Blogger lecram sinun 

    ms. bees - Sounds like you had a blast... and some great deals - no shame in that! I'm a sucker for deals too... just chose not to deal with the insanity of Black Friday. (I've been choosing not to for the past 10 years.) Perhaps I've just become selective as age has crept along. Hope you had fun! Cheers!

  3. Blogger KFarmer 

    count me out on Black Friday too. I almost went to the dreaded MALL to get a friend a birthday present but then "found" something I had previously bought for her- on sale! :)

    Glad you had a nice holiday!

    Sorry about your friends dad :(

  4. Blogger Maverick 

    oh, fucking shopping... I hate it. All the time, anyway, not just because America is so bloated on consumerism. I was complaining to my family that I realized while watching TV that they don't even celebrate Thanksgiving anymore, just right on to X-Mas. Not enough money to be made on T-Giving to promote it. Sales on T-Giving day?? Shouldn't people be home with their families?? Not finger fucking a cash register.

    I am proud to say that I bought NOTHING on Buy-Nothing-Day, now known by the corporations as Black Friday. I did send my mom out to buy me a box of tampons (this is true) but I refused to leave the house otherwise.


    Spitting in a Wishing Well

  5. Blogger Maverick 

    OH, and good for you for not joining in their reindeer games!


    Spitting in a Wishing Well

  6. Blogger ScarySquirrelMan 

    kicked his BUTT in carrom. the first two hours was just teasing.

  7. Blogger lecram sinun 

    kfarmer & s - I hear you. I just got tired of stress imposed on me through the marketing of the season.

    SSM - Let's face it.... I gave you a "pity win". I'm such a gracious host. LOL!

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