Happy Thanksgiving!

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Of all American holidays Thanksgiving is probably my favorite. The idea of appreciating what and who we are blessed with in our lives is a wonderful reminder that we should probably carry with us year round.

To me this holiday is akin to the family meal the Chinese partake in on the eve of Chinese New Year. On that night the family returns to the parental homestead and any grudges or ill will is forgiven so as to begin the new year fresh and with a clean slate. Sentiment? Perhaps. But a cool idea nevertheless that deserves encouragement.

So, here's wishing ALL of you a wonderful turkey day. (SSM and I are planning on roasting Chickens in the barbecue - it'll be his last Thanksgiving here for a while.) I have much to be thankful for... not the least of which has been the fun and fellowship I have been privileged to have shared with all of you over these few months through this blog. For more thoughts on the holiday season go to my friend Zonthar's blog.

Terima Kasih! (Thank You in Malay... which translates directly to "Received with Love")

EDIT: 5 PM: I won't be able tyo participate in HNT today as there is a shitload of pre-Thankgiving errands to run. I'll see you all soon.... have a good one!

14 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. Blogger MamaKBear 

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! :)

    Hope yours is an enjoyable one!

  2. Blogger The Diva ♥ 

    i think this year we are having a deep fryed turkey. have a happy T-Day :)

  3. Blogger Me 

    have a good turkey day, even with chicken, which i prefer anyway...it's less gamey.

  4. Blogger ScarySquirrelMan 

    plus, watching lecram stick his hand inside the chicken's skin and rub it down with spices is kind of hot.

  5. Blogger lecram sinun 

    MamaKBear, Jenny, blue1aqua1, Paul, Evil Ang, scarysquirrelman - be well and have a wonderous one!

  6. Blogger lime 

    i am with you. thanksgiving is my favorite because it focuses on gratitude not gimme. great post. a very happy thanksgiving to you and yours:)

  7. Blogger Stephanie 

    Have a wonderful thanksgiving!! Take care and enjoy!!


  8. Blogger Lee Ann 

    Happy Thanksgiving...Happy HNT!

  9. Blogger Lelly 

    Have a great day Cuz! Maybe one day we can share a chicken together!

  10. Blogger Mustang 


    Have a good one, and in the now immortal words of one of the apparently smartest people I have ever met.."just vodka...".


  11. Anonymous Anonymous 

    sorry 2 miss yoyr hnt but happy thanksgiving!

  12. Blogger Debi 

    I hope you had a great Thanksgiving my friend :)

  13. Blogger Unknown 

    no HNT, but not forgotten...hope you had a great Turkey/chicken day~


  14. Blogger KFarmer 

    I like that idea. The Chinese have got it going on. Imagine if we would all practice that; our boys & girls could come home.

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