24 hour rain

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It's been raining for 24 hours straight - I love it! It doesn't happen very often here in the big "NO"... so when it does, it almost becomes an event. Most of the drivers here are pretty crappy anyway but when it does pour, driving suddenly tranforms into a full contact sport. I was out and about this morning... just out of curiosity, and lordy, was it fun! Lots of glazed and confused looks on the road. Good thing it's not a full working day. (BTW that is an actual picture of the roads at 10 this morning.)
I'm thankful there is this extra day for me to psyche-up for the coming year. I just hate doing things half baked... sort of. Sure, more often than not one has to improvise in life... but I generally like knowing at least which direction I'm heading in.
I was in the kitchen yesterday cooking and my Mum came in to thank me for taking care of her when she was feeling under the weather. (BTW she's in her 80's) It's nice but always a little strange when this occurs. One would think that it's a given that one would naturally take care of family. How does one react to that? "Sure, Mum... no problem... feel free to get sick at any time!" I guess what I'm getting at is that (for the most part) we are taught about the grace in giving... but there should also be an equal quality of grace in the act of receiving... even when one is receiving thanks.
So, my goal today is prep, prep... and more prep... for everyday life, for work and for the Rogue. Personally, I'd rather be lounging around under the blankets eating Ho Ho's and watching movies. But if all this prep doesn't happen... it'll be like inviting the auditors of Hell into my life.

more later... perhaps...

6 Responses to “24 hour rain”

  1. Blogger S 

    I hear that about the rain, Lecram.....we are totally flooded out here near the Russian River.....can't say that I love it...but, that's how you get beautiful green scenery!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Blogger lecram sinun 

    barefoot_mistress - yeah, you guys have been getting quite the gusher, huh? Stay safe and dry. :)

  3. Blogger lime 

    well said regarding the grace of receiving. if a gift of love is not well received then it is incomplete.

  4. Blogger lecram sinun 

    lime - true. :)

  5. Blogger Barbara 

    I live in TX and no one can drive worth a damn here either. I work for Allstate and trust me, when it rains...it pours claims.

  6. Blogger lecram sinun 

    trojan - yeah, bad drivers are ALL over! :)

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