Happy Easter!

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Ladybug's post this morning stated that this is a season of new beginnings. I think that just about sums it up. May yours be wonderful!

May you and yours have a wonderful Easter!

BTW... the cascade of jasmine in the picture grows in front of my house. It blooms once a year and I thought I'd share it with you. I apologize I can't share the heady fragrance that comes from it.

I'll update after lunch.

12:36: After Lunch
I was invited last night for a barbecue of at Thereminman's beautiful abode. I elected not to go because my mother had fallen the day before and I thought it would be wise to stay close to the homestead since she was still feeling a little wobbly.

Later in the evening, after Mum had hit the sack I met a friend for drinks at Lipari's, a new restaurant/bar that has recently opened up in the Tower District. Their bar area is pretty cool with an indoor/outdoor feel to it. Anyway, the bartender came over and I spotted her tats... and took a picture of them. I thought they were pretty cool.

After drinks, on the way home, I thought I'd stop to catch-up with my ex-brother-in-law. Lo and behold, he had snuck away last month and gotten married. He seemed happy about it. I wish him well. He is one of those good souls to have around. Got home at about 10 to get a visit from a good friend who lives in LA. We managed to chat and catch-up until past midnight. So, I did miss a barbecue... but got some great catch-up time out of it anyway.

9 Responses to “Happy Easter!”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Happy Easter to you and yours friend. The jasmine is beautiful. Have a good one.

  2. Blogger Mellissa 

    Hi lecraM,

    Happy Easter!!! I love the picture of the Jasmine and can well imagine that beautiful smell!!

    I hope you have had a blessed weekend! I cant wait to read installment 4 below!!

    I am saving it as a paste in a .doc file to read on the plane tomorrow as I fly off to Toronto!


  3. Blogger b o o 

    cool tats. happy easter :)

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    hope your "mum" is feeling better. happy easter dollface!

  5. Blogger Lelly 

    Hi Cuz, Happy Easter to you too! Loved 'Lies...' part 4, and your HNT...and all the other posts I've just caught up with...hope your mum is feeling better?

  6. Blogger KaMotion 

    I love the new title banner on your blog. Very luscious.

  7. Blogger Unknown 

    Yes your new banner is great!

    It sounds like you had a good easter..I worked :( Those are some trippy tats..I need to show my son lol.

  8. Blogger lecram sinun 

    Hope all of you had a great Easter! :)

  9. Blogger jade ed girl 

    Ahhhh.... you were next door and didn't hello??

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