I have not written anything all weekend...

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... so, sue me! Slacker writer? Hey, I needed a break! And I took one! Did I go out and carouse with all strange manner of women? No. Did I go out to some "out there" party where nazi debutantes from hell were holding court? (BTW... did that while I was in college... it wasn't fun then.) No. I stayed home. Yes, indeed I did.

Did some cooking. Did some shopping. Drank some wine. Stewed over the play. There... satisfied? Of course, you're not! Because I should be slogging on this piece... and right you are for thinking so. Well, I did in my head. And I think I'm ready to go at it again! Satisfied?? I'm so happy for you.

Saturday night I watched "Ben Hur". How many have seen that recently. Great movie... but in today's context... that whole thing between Ben Hur and Masala would be totally gay. Really, watch it and tell me it ain't so.

Here is what I've been thinking about this weekend. "TRADITION." What makes it? How many times do people have to repeat the same behavior for it to become one? If the world and perceptions and practices change... are there any "real" traditions that still actually exist? Why do we need them? Just asking.

The WRITE-TRACK today was chosen to get me going again... hope it does for you too. Let me know if you "samba-ed" around while listening to this one. Cheers!

Coffee company will be appreciated in the morning.

The selection for the WRITE-TRACK for today can be found HERE. (Hint: If you right-click and "save target/link as..." you'll be able to download it to your computer.)

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  • From California, United States
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