my mistress woke me at 3 AM...
Published Wednesday, October 18, 2006 by lecram sinun | E-mail this post
... and sang me these songs. (Look below in the "write-track section... you get 2 ditties today!) I guess it's better than a bugle call to start the work day. I just realized that I passed my 500th post... 10 posts ago.
EDIT: 4:25 AMSince I was up and waiting for the java to kick in I decided to take a little excursion to the local donut joint. As I drove there I was reminded how much I like this time of the day. The streets are empty. The dark sky punctuated by the sound of a distant train. There is a certain solace about this time of the morning I really do enjoy. In a previous lifetime it was the time of choice to indulge and be indulged by my
mistress. Perhaps it's time for a revival of that.
And it's time for the singalong... OK... everybody now... 1 and a 2 and a...
The selection for the WRITE-TRACK for today can be found HERE & HERE. (Hint: If you right-click and "save target/link as..." you'll be able to download it to your computer.)
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