HNT... sort of.

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O.K., O.K... none of this is me. It's actually the graphic I worked on for HNT @ the Rogue. Pretty classy affair, huh?

Anyway, if you haven't heard what we are up to yet... HNT is being featured as a gallery exhibit at Rogue 2006.

For details on how to get in on this... CLICK HERE!

To steal a banner for your blog/site... CLICK HERE!

If I can squeeze the time in while I continue working on graphics... I'll be surfing around tonight being a comment whore just so most of you will be privy to the info. Still up to my eyeballs in work for the Rogue.

Cheers and happy HNT!

50 Responses to “HNT... sort of.”

  1. Blogger SignGurl 

    I love the blue eye in the middle. You are so clever!

    Happy HNT

  2. Blogger ScarySquirrelMan 

    way cool poster (i'm hoping that it IS turned into one).

  3. Blogger ScarySquirrelMan 

    oh...FIRST. and hippity happity HNT everyone.

  4. Blogger S 

    Ok, I will consider coming, but it is a five hour drive, and yes, I'd love to participate.....going to read the info now!
    Happy HNT

  5. Blogger lime 

    very cool ad for Rogue HNT1 this is so exciting! hope the planning is going well. happyHNT!

  6. Blogger Robin Alexa 

    Deilcious...except for something that is sorta scary.

    HHNT my friend. :)

  7. Blogger Lee Ann 

    Oh that is so cool! I love it!
    Happy HNT!

  8. Blogger 212degreedesigns 

    i wish you all the energy in the world my friend
    i was part of a fetish performance art group for a spell and it's work like no other
    rewards like no other too lol

    let me know if i can be of any help. seriously.


  9. Blogger BTExpress 

    I love the poster. You have caught the meaning behind HNT very well. Great job.

  10. Blogger Robin 

    Fabulous work, Lecram. You are doing the coolest thing for your HNT family, and we thank you.

  11. Blogger Logophile 

    very nice!
    good luck with that,
    Happy HNT

  12. Blogger Mellissa 

    Oh Lecram - it is lovely!! I like the hiney shot the best. How stunning!


  13. Blogger Chickie 

    Great poster! It really grabs you. Happy HNT!

  14. Blogger ScarySquirrelMan 

    nice thigh. i wonder who it belongs to. probably a hot stud. oh happy day and hnt.

  15. Blogger HappyKap 

    very nice! Happy HNT.

  16. Blogger Bsoholic 

    Great collage/poster!
    Happy HNT

  17. Blogger Blondie... 

    That is a great poster! I'm actually a bit excited about this Lecram.

    Happy HNT and thank you so much!

  18. Blogger Robert van de Walle 

    I see you commentin' all over the place.

    Seriously, thanks for your effort on HNT @ the Rogue. You're awesome!

  19. Blogger vampirekitti 

    very nicely done, have a wonderful HNT. Keep up the wonderful work.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Looking good!

  21. Blogger Professor Fate 

    Nice work.

    Happy HNT.

  22. Blogger Southern Sweetheart 

    Great job on the poster! It rocks! :) But then everything you do does! HHNT!

  23. Blogger Marie 

    This is quite beautiful. I love the work you did on this!

    Happy HNT to you, my dear. :)

  24. Blogger MamaKBear 

    I love it!! Great job, hun!

    Happy HNT! :)

  25. Blogger Unknown 

    Lecram we miss pictures of YOU! I know you're busy with the exhibit....but I'm a greedy bitch and I want what I want when I want it.

    Happy HNT, sweetie! 7

  26. Blogger Still Searching... 

    The graphics are quite lovely. The contrasts...


  27. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great job, Lecram, and yes, this MUST become a poster!

    See you soon...

  28. Blogger OLY 

    fantastic idea good luck with it!! Happy HNT!!

  29. Blogger Mark Leslie 

    Very cool graphic. HNT is lucky to have such a talented front-person to bring HNT to the Rogue.

  30. Blogger KFarmer 

    You know I have a thing for eyes, and well arms, ok body parts- great poster... Rogue On!

  31. Blogger The Diva ♥ 

    work it baby work it :)

  32. Blogger aughra 

    Shit shit shit! I need to get involved with this.

    Happy HNT.

  33. Blogger Joel 

    I copied teh e-mail addy. Am interested in playing along.

  34. Blogger Lil Bit 

    cooooooooool graphic collage!
    Great job! *applause*
    HHNT! =)

  35. Anonymous Anonymous 

    If all your graphic work is this awesome, I'd love to see it. This is stylish, and looks like a poster. Happy HNT

  36. Blogger AndyT13 

    Yep, I just sent my URL. HHNT!

  37. Blogger Tammy 

    Wow. That is awesome!

  38. Blogger Hoochie Mama 

    Very cool! I agree with the Jenn, the blue eye it really cool!

    Happy HNT!

  39. Blogger Unknown 

    that's GREAT work...enviable, to say the least!


  40. Blogger The Lily 

    COOL!! How do we find out if our submissions have been included?

  41. Blogger Hope 

    OMG. I LOVE it! Great work!

    Happy HNT!

  42. Blogger KatieFeldmom 

    Very cool poster!
    Congrats on the exhibit.
    Wish I could come see it!

    Happy HNT!

  43. Blogger T - Another Geek Girl 

    Now that is an awesome project!
    Getting my banner now.


  44. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Fun project.


  45. Blogger Lelly 

    Thanks for using my pic, Cuz...I'm extremely flattered! Is that SSM's chest AND thigh you got there?? Good luck with the festival preparations, especially the HNT project...wish I could be there!

  46. Blogger Barbara 

    very impressive. The colors work well together...I simply love it!

  47. Anonymous Anonymous 

    It looks like you're getting a lot done. Sorry I was MIA bug has bitten me. I'll see you Saturday if not sooner! HHNT!

  48. Blogger ShyRocket 

    Will definitely consider this!

  49. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You are carrying the torch

  50. Blogger Unknown 

    I like your pulls many different things together :)

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