... another sneaky ...

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In my last post I mentioned my students (All Too Real Players)... well here is the image they are using for their show "Junkerella". They are swinging by today at 1 PM to continue rehearsing and developing their show in my driveway.

My eyes were so fatigued that I hit the sack early last night. I've been up since the crack of dawn... must make hay while the sun shines. Although it is dank and foggy outside. lol! I have a presentation to make this evening on the Rogue at a reception at a new performance space that's opening up. So, that will cut into work time on the computer. I'm sure there is going to be food and drink involved... and that's always a bonus.

Rogue On!

EDIT! The "presentation" I thought went pretty well. I think I scared a few folk who were there... but in a good way. .. got them firing up the ole' noggin. LOL! (My opening line was " I apologise for getting here late... but I had to take a shower... and you'll be very glad that I did! I am" ) I had a good time.... the food was good... the drinks were O.K... I got to run into folk who finally clued in to what I do.ROFLMAO! If you missed the logic of this part... check this post!

13 Responses to “... another sneaky ...”

  1. Blogger Marie 

    I love the image! You've been incredibly busy but it sounds like you are enjoying yourself immensely. :) Have fun this evening at the reception.

  2. Blogger lecram sinun 

    marie - it can be fun when you're not under the gun! LOL! Hey, that rhymes!

  3. Blogger Unknown 

    Enjoy the food, drink and people. The image your group of players picked is very interesting..lots of symbolism.

    I cant wait to see them :)

  4. Blogger BTExpress 

    I looked at the Rogue pictures from last year and it looks like a lot of fun. Good luck with it this year.

  5. Blogger lecram sinun 

    dusty - I like it too. Those are the actual puppets they will be using. (they're developing more over the next couple of weeks.)

    BTExpress - It is a lot of fun! Glad you took a peek at them!

  6. Blogger Debi 

    I'm glad to see your still pushin' on :) Eat, drink and be merry!

  7. Blogger Deadly Female 

    It's all hotting up!

  8. Blogger KFarmer 

    lordy, lordy- and I thought I was busy. Take care of yourself-:)Sounds like things are really rocking. Damn, I'm jealous... I hate to miss a good party and this surely sounds like one of the best. Cheers to you!

  9. Blogger Unknown 

    Glad it went well..drinks just ok? Its always fun to surprize AND excite people.

    Have you written anything for "Lies my father told me" yet?

  10. Blogger lecram sinun 

    goobergirl - I did... then came home and died. LOL!

    Deadly Female - It certainly is! :)

    KFarmer - There is still time to plan a jaunt out here! :)

    dusty - most of the stories are in place in my rabid mind... just a matter of shaping them. Some of the source material can be found in some past post here. Spacifically Picture Daze # 2 and HNT # 4 in the sidebar.

  11. Blogger ScarySquirrelMan 

    so...they find junk and make money from it? cool. sounds like Waste Management.

  12. Blogger Jillian 

    So happy that things went well for you!

  13. Blogger lecram sinun 

    ssm - it is waste management... and entertaining as heck!

    the mrs - This are going as well as they can be --- busy here too!

    jill - so far so good!

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