insert past into present here
Published Tuesday, January 10, 2006 by lecram sinun | E-mail this post
Kien (in London) and I were Skyping the other day and the topic of conversation revolved around how friends from our past lives (schoolmates from Malaysia especially) are suddenly reconnecting with us (expats) of late. In fact, he and I reconnected only 5 years ago. The last time I saw him before that was in London around 1980. Since then, we have both noticed a gentle barrage of reconnections along our continuing journeys through life.
I have to admit that there is a certain familiar comfort to it. Running into old friends does that. There is always the initial "catch up" then the continuing enjoyment of each other's company in the present. Of course there are also the (private) observations of how much we have changed or not... and the realization that at the core... we are still the same with some refinements (and dings) through experience and growth. Though it does give one pause to wonder about that whole "circular wheel of life" thing. Is there some wacky cosmic reason why this is happening now? It's as if we all set out in different directions to conquer the world with a scheduled rendezvous to show off the spoils of our plunder... but all we can really show are some lines of age and a healthy regard for the experiences we went through.
On my part this has also been happening with old room-mates and people I knew from my college days. SacrySquirrelMan is a one such friend. Then there is Whackman who is a buddy from my old scouting days. And today I'm checking my sitemeter and discover that friends from my old scout troop have started a yahoo group! Damn lurkers! Leave a comment you damn layabouts!
So, here is a HUGE SHOUT OUT to ALL my friends out there who happen to trip on by here... I am thankful you were in my life... and still are! Whatever the reason... I am enjoying it!
if you would not mind, please tell me which river you are on. It looks magnificent. Also, what kind of fish did you catch (if any).
kfarmer - unfortunely, I stole this off google as a visual metaphor for my post. The river however is in the state of Sabah (part of Malaysia Borneo)... and still relatively untouched by rampant civilation.
ps- loved your HNT picture
whackman - so, it's been happening to you too, huh? It's cool though.
kfarmer - thanks :) still miss your presence in blogland... but this is better than nothing.