busted my balls...

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... to get the Rogue Map finished by this morning. I stayed up until 3 getting anal about details. I wake up this morning about 8 and saunter back to the computer to put some finishing touches before uploading it to the printer in Montana. I call them to ask some questions. I begin the upload which was going to take over 2 hours. I decide to go to the local coffeeshop to get a boost of caffeine. I get back and the upload has TIMED OUT! I call up the printer and discover that their entire system has gone down. OY! Now to get the website up.

10 Responses to “busted my balls...”

  1. Blogger Mustang 

    Buy ya a cuppa joe some morning sailor?


  2. Blogger Lelly 

    Sheesh! Technology eh, cuz!
    Talking of which I'm back on line (obviously!) but only via old fashioned dial-up at the moment so I can't stay connected continuously cos it knocks out the phone... I'v had terrible withdrawal symptoms as a result! Good luck with the website!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    What seems like brown stuff happens!

  4. Blogger KFarmer 

    Did you loose your temper LS? Kick the computer? Scream obscenities to the universe? or just glare menacingly at the screen... ; )

  5. Blogger 212degreedesigns 

    now remember,....

    for a reason LOL

    and cosmic hot brillant art usually only comes from sheer panic of it's producer

    at the last minute.

    or at least that's how it usually works.

    lighting a candle for
    but you know you will be just fine
    this is YOUR baby
    breathe like you are giving birth and people will do anything you want
    or you will pass out
    both are good.

  6. Blogger lime 

    aaaaaack! gotta hate when stuff like that happens

  7. Blogger Unknown 

    jesus..I know THAT pain..my condolences marcel...it will all be worth it in the end..keep telling yourself that or you will go daft..I mean nuts..

  8. Blogger lecram sinun 

    Mustang - monday would be a good time.

    Lelly - Cuz, hopefully you'll be hooked up to broadband soon.

    kien lim - more brown stuff to come... at least I expect so.

    KFarmer - I contemplated pulling the weeds but went out for a coffee instead.

    212designs - the last minute thing always is the case, isn't it?

    lime - could be worse, I guess. I'll survive.

    dusty - I think it's a few years too late on going daft. LOL!

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    that's what valium is for love. i rock that shit most every day... me and stress don't see eye to eye.

  10. Blogger Barbara 

    Damn I love this picture...i want the T-Shirt.

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